Über Serge Hoffmann

Serge Hoffmann ist Managing Director bei Fortlane Partners.


Er leitet die Telecommunications, Media & Technology Practice und hat Kunden in einem breiten Spektrum an Bereichen beraten: Strategie, Transformation und Performance Excellence, M&A, PMI, IPO, Customer Experience und digitale Transformation.


Serge Hoffmann hat zahlreiche multinationale Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt beraten, sowie mittelständische und Private-Equity-geführte Unternehmen.


Bevor er zu Fortlane Partners kam, war Serge Hoffmann CEO & Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer bei Digicel, einem Mobilfunkunternehmen in Nord- und Südamerika. Davor war er Senior Partner bei Bain & Company und leitete die TMT-Praxis des Unternehmens in Europa und Asien.


Er absolvierte seinen MBA an der INSEAD und seinen Bachelor an der EM Lyon.

Serge Hoffmann
Serge Hoffmann
Managing Director
Strategy and Growth, Technology, Media, and Telecommunication, IT Services and Software, Consumer Goods and Retail

Was gibt es Neues?Neuigkeiten und Insights

Dezember 2024
How can MNOs thrive in the cloud era?
Mobile network operators are at a turning point, figuring out their role and “winning formula” to thrive in the cloud era. MNOs have a path to success in optimizing their edge infrastructure, forming strategic partnerships, and developing innovative cloud solutions, to steer towards profitable growth. This transformation offers new revenue opportunities and positions MNOs as essential players in the digital economy.
November 2024
Digital infrastructure value creation – what’s next?
In a world where connectivity is king, digital infrastructure is the backbone of our digital age. From telecom towers to data centers, these assets are not just stable investments – they’re essential. As we look to the future, the next wave of growth and efficiency in this sector promises to unlock unprecedented opportunities. Dive into our article to discover how strategic innovation is set to redefine the landscape and deliver exceptional returns.
Juli 2024
Telecom industry's new norm: embracing costumer centricity
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