Über Dr. Christian Wältermann

Dr. Christian Wältermann ist Managing Director im Münchner Büro von Fortlane Partners und leitet die Mobility & Infrastructure-Practice.


Christian Wältermann berät Management-Teams und Finanzinvestoren zu Fragestellungen in den Bereichen Mobilität und komplexe Infrastrukturen. Neben strategischen und transaktionsnahen Themen, konzentriert er sich auf die KI-basierte Digitalisierung operativer Prozesse sowie die Unterstützung von Kunden bei der erfolgreichen Teilnahme an Großausschreibungen.


Vor seinem Eintritt bei Fortlane Partners war Dr. Christian Wältermann wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Mannheim, wo er an der Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences in den Bereichen Wirtschaftspolitik und angewandte statistische Methoden promovierte. Neben dem Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre in Mannheim mit Stationen am MIT und der Harvard University, studierte er Philosophie an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.

Dr. Christian Wältermann
Dr. Christian Wältermann
Managing Director
Strategy and Growth, Bid and Tender Management, Mobility, Transportation, and Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities, Public Sector

Was gibt es Neues?Neuigkeiten und Insights

Dezember 2023
Challenges and opportunities facing the operational digitization of rail
Operational digitization of the rail system offers substantial potential to increase efficiency and resilience – this is common sense. Yet, although rail players across the value chain are ramping up their capabilities, there is often a substantial gap between aspiration levels and operational reality. Implementing digital solutions P&L-effectively remains a challenge for the industry. 
August 2023
Mastering rail data complexity
The rail operations ecosystem is a complex puzzle. Historically grown over decades, the system and its assets today are highly heterogeneous. The efficiency of every asset within the ecosystem depends on the performance of various other assets. Hope for unraveling this complexity is placed in digitalization.
Februar 2023
Intelligent city toll to advance urban mobility
Increasing urbanization is a challenge for traffic in many German cities. While motorized private transport in metropolitan areas is increasing, the road infrastructure scarcely meets the growing demand. Consequently, traffic congestion in city centers is becoming more severe and having adverse effects on pollution, noise levels and overall quality of life. When strategically combined with intelligent public transport concepts, city tolling can smoothen traffic flows, drive modal change and provide additional means to finance complementary public transport and urban infrastructure. We have assessed the suitability of a city toll in major cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. When introducing a city toll, cities should carefully consider the design of the toll scheme and the applied technology.