Client Story

SanderStrothmann Group

SanderStrothmann Group, is a leading certified full-service CDMO in the fast-growing market for cosmetic, beauty and healthcare products.


We advised Afinum, the independent financial investor, on the financing of the acquisition of SanderStrothmann Group, a leading full-service CDMO in the fast-growing market for cosmetic, beauty and healthcare products, in the context of an entrepreneurial succession situation.

Debt and Capital Advisory
Healthcare and Life Sciences
Consumer Goods and Retail
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Zentrale Ergebnisse
an optimal acquisition financing solution, securing best market terms in a short-timed process, meeting tough and tightening deadlines.
a competitive debt financing process with both banks and debt funds as well as due diligence process to ensure bankable due diligence reports, tailor- made to specific needs of acquisition lenders.
Provided a competitive edge
to Afinum during the process by best-market terms financing package, enabling Afinum to provide most attractive bid during M&A process.

The challenge

  • Primary buy-out from the companies founders and shareholders.
  • Fast-paced M&A auction process with aggressive competing bidders and tightening deadline.
  • Competing frontrunner aimed for exclusivity with various interested financiers leading to reduced number of available financing sources.
  • Limited sell-side information materials and no sell-side lender education causing differing information base and appetite of financing providers.
Pharmacist holding a open tube of cream in a laboratory.

The solution

Our Debt Advisory team was mandated to structure the financing solution and to manage a competitive debt financing process. In order to secure a successful financing and provide the client with two possible financing solutions, an all-senior bank club and a unitranche structure, the advisor team approached both banks and debt funds.

We provided key support during the entire transaction process by performing a lender education, managing third-party due diligence providers to ensure targeted and bankable due diligence reports, preparing relevant transaction documents, and giving key advice during the credit documentation phase.

The  team impressed us with their proactive approach towards both banks and debt funds that resulted in a competitive made-to-measure financing solution for us. Despite the tough timeframe and complex asset, the advisors secured a timely signing and closing.
Dr. Jochen Klemmer
Senior Partner of the SanderStrothmann GmbH

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client says

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