Strategic advice forTransactions

Our service expertiseHow we help our clients

Our transaction team guides clients through every stage of the M&A lifecycle. From developing M&A strategies and identifying targets, through due diligence, negotiations, funding, and closing, to seamless post-merger integration and value creation on the buy-side. On the sell-side, we assist with exit strategy planning, readiness assessments, vendor due diligence, buyer identification, negotiations, and closing. 


Our experts rom our various practice groups work hand in hand with our clients, guiding them through the M&A lifecycle, to maximize value at every phase of the process.

Client storiesWhat our clients say

The team has been pivotal to struc­ture the oper­ation and assist us in nego­tiating our partner­ship while follow­ing the right momen­tum. Through­out the pro­cess, they have de­mon­strated out­stan­ding com­mit­ment to the trans­action and to the com­pany’s interests.
Frédéric Bedin
Chairman of the Executive Board, Hopscotch Groupe
We consider them to be a reliable and efficient partner. They work closely with our team, resulting in a very successful outcome in many cases.

Kishor Patil
Co-founder, CEO & MD, KPIT Technologies Ldt

Ready for tomorrow?Get in touch and see how our team can help you.