
Success in the future requires ideas and experience – brought together on the perfect platform.


Disruptive developments and new technologies change the markets, calling for completely new strategic approaches and internal processes. In this context, innovation has become a central resource for development of new growth potentials. Accordingly, effective innovation management cannot be confined to optimizing idea management and creativity techniques within a company but must call legacy paradigms into question as well.

Based on a holistic and future-oriented approach, in cooperation with our customers we jointly identify the central levers available to put the innovation potential of their companies to optimum use. Our seamless innovation processes allow us to assist enterprises from the conceptualization of future-oriented strategies all the way through to implementation of specific activities, thus enabling our customers to anticipate and take up new business opportunities in a targeted fashion.  In this way, we establish the key driver for the future success of the organization, namely continual innovation management.


Only if they have a clear innovation strategy enterprises can position themselves ideally to ensure a successful future. We support our customers in deriving concrete starting points for innovations from their growth plans already in place. In doing so, we look beyond existing markets and technologies and focus on possible new fields of activity and models.

As a common starting point, together with our customers we identify how the “innovation gap” in the organization can be closed. Based on a “dual innovation strategy”, strategic future fields of activity can be designed by striking the right balance between traditional and new business opportunities. We help enterprises to develop a corporate culture conducive to innovation that lays the foundations for future-oriented growth.


The decisive parameters for successful innovation can be found in various corporate divisions. The task at hand is to develop appropriate skills and capabilities and make them available within the organization.

Fortlane Partners believes its central, core expertise for innovation to lie in the following fields of activity:

  • Definition of the objective and strategic orientation of innovation projects
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Organizational structures and processes
  • Portfolio management
  • Methods and tools
  • Collaboration
  • People and culture
  • Internal and external communication of innovation news

In order to extend our customers’ potential in this regard, we carry out a thorough analysis of current innovation capabilities; next, we jointly define the general route to our target and the strategic orientation of future innovative measures. The next step is to establish an “innovation engine” individually for each enterprise, including the operational and cultural body of rules, and we actively support the organization in transforming its ideas into growth opportunities.


In the long run, businesses achieve more sustainable success stories through innovation of their business models rather than by incremental further development of the existing range of products and services. A reorientation of the business foundations calls for any number of strategic and operational preparations to pave the way, however.

We at Fortlane Partners understand these challenges and verify the lasting sustainability of the existing business model of our customers by performing our “Business Model Assessment”. On the basis of this detailed insight into current and future challenges, we develop the company’s value contribution and actively support our customers in developing initial minimum viable products intended to provide a basis for decision-making for the actual introduction of innovative solutions. As a final step, we integrate the new business model into the customer’s current operations. 


The more far-reaching an innovation is for an enterprise, the more extensive the relevant strategy will be for its realization. In the process, the mostly complex organizational structure of companies is a major obstacle when implementing radical changes. For this reason, such innovations rarely originate from within an organization.

We support our customers in identifying radical innovations possible within their own companies and in laying the foundations for their successful implementation. In addition, we develop a system for enterprises that enable them to identify promising start-ups and to establish lasting connections to them. In this context, we also discuss possible accelerator approaches. We also provide support with the buy-side process (outside-in venturing) as well as the spin-off process (inside-out venturing). Our expertise means that we are also ideally positioned to drive the growth and internationalization projects of the ventures in question.


Dr. Wolfram Römhild

Dr. Wolfram Römhild Managing Director
Management Consultants

Dr. Gerrit Schütte

Dr. Gerrit Schütte Managing Director
Management Consultants